Tuesday, November 20, 2007

PD Trip: Jalan² cari makan™

Continuing with my adventures around PD. First thing to do is to fill my empty stomach. Can't do anything much when ur hungry eh...

I decided to settle with this restaurant, called Weng Yin Seafood Village, since it's one of the nearest to the condo, and it's chinese -_-"

As u can see, the bill came to RM45.30, pretty cheap considering it's for 3 persons. Guess what i ordered...

Prawns and deer meat, and the price was really reasonable. I was quite happy considering this restaurant have Indonesian Curry Prawn, which is one of my old time favourite. The gravy lacked a certain sense of milkyness (not enuff santan maybe), but overall i was satisfied. One thing to note, most of the shops... 9/10 maybe, doesn't serve pork. No pork no live... haha... well, i could endure for one day :)

Having a sumptuos meal, I proceeded on visiting PD Ostrich farm. The entrance fee is damn expensive. RM8 per head!!! and its 30x smaller than Zoo Negara! First and the last! Oh ya, its situated right beside PD Polytechnic... not far from my condo as well, but i dun encourage anyone to go.

100x uglier than the African ones i saw on National Geographic.

On my last day, after checking out of the accomodations. Me n my family decided to check out the Army Museum (Muzium Tentera Darat), located somewhere around PD 4th mile. This time the entrance is free.

The butt bigger than the cannon belongs to my mum.... haha.

The tummy bigger than the airplane fuselage belongs to my dad.... hahahaha.

Ok, back in Serdang. I was just in time to join the frisbee games with my caregroup members. I din't play though, i joined in watching :)

We had 5 visitors joining us for the first time. They're from uniten as well. And what i heard was they're were picked right off the food court they were havin lunch. Talkin about openess eh. And they do respond to strangers... hehehe.

We have three guys from Iran, which i can't seem to spell their name corretly according to the pronounciation. I shall call them Mr. M, Mr. H, and Mr. S. And two vietnamese girls, Kwan and Yen. Thank god that we are able to reach out in friendship and to have more sociable contacts :)

Last but not least again,

I'm not providing ice cream this time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You ar....so naughty lar...