Wednesday, September 26, 2007

About God

You are perhaps thinking who is this person called God and what is He all about? Well let me try to explain Him to you by sharing with you who Jesus is. Well the bible says that He is the Son of God. God sent his only son to this world because the world has basically become quite messed up. Though He was a spiritual being like God, He came and walked on earth as a physical man … all for a simple reason to love us!

Let me explain...

When God created us, He meant for us to know Him. Not just know Him but to have a real personal relationship with Him just like a child with a good loving father.

But we are sinful and basically don’t always choose to do the right things. You see when we do wrong things (may it cheating or lying or even having anger in the heart) it is ‘sin’ in the eyes of God. This decision to sin causes us to be separated from God

Nevertheless, man may still tries to reach God by living a good life, doing good works and following a certain good religion. All these so called “human efforts” just does not work, nothing will, at least not without God.

So what did God do? As I shared earlier, He sent His only son Jesus Christ to this world. Though He did not do anything wrong, He was wrongly persecuted and was punished on the cross. When He died, He paid the price of all our sins and created a path for us back to God.

Now this is so wonderful because it’s God’s gift to us. We can now decide to cross over by admitting that we have sinned and needed His forgiveness and leadership in our life.

So where are you on this path?

Do you wish to receive what Jesus has done for you and began a personal relationship God? If this reflects your heart’s desire, just say the simple prayer at the bottom of this page.

And if you wish to find out more, join us in any of our care groups, worship services, speak to us or just drop me an email.

Thanks for your time.

Say this prayer from your heart to go our own way and want Jesus to be the leader of our life.

“Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner and I need your forgiveness. I believe that you died for my sins, I want to turn from my sins, I now invite you to come into my heart and be the leader of my life. Thank you for coming into my life. In Jesus name Amen“.

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